Monday, March 14, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award -- And, I'm Blushing!!

Imagine my surprise when I saw a message on today's blog post from Kathryn at Kathryn's Quest nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! What a sweet gesture. I've been blogging only since January, and I've found the genealogy blogging community to be amazingly encouraging, helpful and just plain nice. Thanks again, Kathryn -- you've made my week!!

According to Kathryn, we are given very few rules for accepting the award and here they are:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award and their blog link.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I'm new to the genealogy blogging community, and still discovering blogs that inspire and energize me. Here's my list (not quite 15, but all worth a visit!):
Thanks again to Kathryn, and all the other genealogy bloggers out there, for your kind encouragement!

UPDATE: Thanks to Heather over at Leaves for Trees for also nominating me for this AND the Ancestor Approved award. What a great blogging community we have!


  1. Dear Wendy, thanks so much for the award, I'm truly honored. I no longer participate in listing blogs since I already won this award twice, but I'm very happy you thought of me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I've just learned of some new blogs to follow through your list!

  2. Thank you Wendy for thinking of Heritage Happens for this award!

  3. Wendy, you are a giant sweetheart with a wonderful blog! :)

  4. Obviously, I was too late with my nomination as you have already received the "One Lovely Blog" award. But I am nominating you again because I follow your blog regularly! Check out my post here:
    Take care!

  5. Thanks to all you (both Heathers AND both Cheryls!). What a love fest this is! And, thanks to Heather Kuhn Roelker for nominating me again! You guys are all so cool -- I'm happy to share in the genealogy and blogging fun with you. =)

  6. Thanks Wendy!! :)
    You know, I think you need to take some time off work and head to Charleston for the NGS conference this May....

  7. Oh, Jen -- if only I could take some time off in May. As it is, I'm taking off in a few days for New Orleans, so it'll be hard to take off in May, too. I'd love to go to an NGS conference. Maybe I'll get to go next year...
